TC Roundup: Zuckerberg, other Facebook directors are sued over pay plan
Zuckerberg, other Facebook directors are sued over pay plan: Mark Zuckerberg and other members of Facebook Inc's board have been sued by a shareholder who claimed a policy letting them annually award directors more than $150 million of stock each if they choose is unreasonably generous. (Reuters)
Facebook Poaches PayPal President David Marcus To Run Messenger, Maybe Monetize It With Payments: Facebook doesn't show ads in Messenger or WhatsApp. Instead, payments could be the key to earning money on chat, especially in the developing world where ad rates are low. If that's the strategy, Facebook just got the perfect executive to lead the charge. It has poached PayPal's president David Marcus to run its Messenger unit. (Techcrunch)
Netflix investors reject proposal to split chair, CEO roles: Shareholders of video streaming service Netflix Inc on Monday voted against a non-binding investor proposal to split the roles of chairman and chief executive officer, the jobs held by co-founder Reed Hastings, according to preliminary vote tallies released by the company. (Reuters)