Here is K Ganesh's growth story

Built from Scratch, Get There Early, Built to Last, The Magic of Thinking Big…these are some of the titles stocked in a small book shelf in Krishnan Ganesh's nondescript office in Bengaluru. They sound more like the attributes he and his wife Meena Ganesh are often known for.
Meena and Ganesh, the founder-couple of venture building platform GrowthStory, built and sold four companies over two decades. The combined exit valuation of those four ventures that predate GrowthStory was around $300 million whereas their monetary investment could be a few hundred thousand dollars.

Ganesh, now 53, does not have time to rest on past laurels as he is busy building more than a dozen new consumer internet companies. GrowthStory has already launched nine startups while three others are in a trial phase, five in a stealth mode and two in a project stage.