
Dun & Bradstreet launches online business database platform

Dun & Bradstreet launches online business database platform
Photo Credit: Thinkstock

The database allows users to access organised company data with a comprehensive view of any company available on the platform, according to the New Jersey-based business analytics and insights research company. 

D&B competes with several other companies including TechCircle's sister concern VCCEdge, Tofler, Zaubacorp and Bloomberg among others. VCCEdge also provides for a repository of merger and acquisition deals, private equity and venture capital investments, directories and financials data to create a holistic financial research platform.

The government database under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the Registrar of Companies, also has an online database of private company information. 


The iAccess is easy to access, single resource for both individuals and organisations alike that are interested in information on commercial entities, the company said. 

According to D&B, along with a company’s information, iAccess offers features such as slicing and dicing of information as per set parameters, customised content, and iAccess' API-driven solution that helps everything integrate with customers' CRM tool. These tools enable the user in ascertaining a company’s existence, the credibility of the entity for various business purposes, it said.

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