Google to offer entry-level job search in India with Kormo: Report

California-based multinational technology company Google will log into the entry-level job search market in India with Kormo.
Kormo, which means work in Bengali, lets users look for jobs rarely posted online and for which there is no structured, searchable repository. The application will be launched at the annual Google for India event in New Delhi on September 21, 2019, The Economic Times reported.
The android-only app is developed by Google’s Area 120 Labs, a workshop for experimental products. The app was launched in Dhaka last year in September and has expanded to Indonesia earlier this year, the report added.

Bickey Russell, project lead, Next Billion Users, Google said that since the launch of Kormo in Bangladesh in 2018 and in Indonesia this year, they have managed to connect over 50,000 job seekers to hundreds of employers who use Kormo for their hiring needs, specifically entry-level jobs.
“Because finding employment is a real need across different markets, we’re looking to bring the same service to countries like India,” Russell told The Economic Times.
Kormo is likely to face competition from online classified advertising companies like Quikr and OLX, which have acquired blue-collar job listing sites Babajob and Aasaanjobs, respectively. There are other large, deep-pocketed companies like Quess, which has a people's services vertical and Tech Mahindra's Saral Rozgar, the report said.