
Twitter launches live scoreboard and first community on cricket in India

Twitter launches live scoreboard and first community on cricket in India

With 75 million conversations on cricket on Twitter India between July 2020 and July 2021, the microblogging giant announced a new feature to engage the country's cricketing community. The social media company has added a live scorecard feature on its platform and is also testing a Twitter Community called Cricket Twitter - India. 

This is the first time Twitter has launched a Community outside the US. Twitter Communities are created to offer users a place to share content on specific topics. Unlike the rest of the platform, they include moderators and admins who enforce specific rules for the community. Twitter started testing Communities in the US in September this year. Access to communities is currently available only through invites. 

Live scorecard is a very popular tool on the Internet and is also available on Google Search, or through media publications covering sports. However, this is the first time a major social media company is offering it to its users. The scorecard can be accessed through the Explore tab and live Events Page. This will allow fans to follow the live scores from cricket matches in real-time, without having to scroll through multiple Tweets to find them.


According to Twitter, the scorecard feature will be available on iOS app, Android app and website. The scoreboard will be followed by the launch of Cricket Twitter-India community, where cricket fans can find and connect with other Twitter users with similar interests and likes such as a common team or player they support in cricket. 

Community is a group of like-minded people within the larger Twitter network. Anyone with a Twitter account can start,  manage and moderate a community to ensure the conversations are relevant. Members of a community will include people who have been invited to join. A member can also invite others to join. A tweet within a community will be visible to the entire Twitter followers of a user and can be reported for violating Twitter guidelines, but only the members of the community can participate and comment on it. 

Twitter has recently acquitted chat app Sphere to expand its community experience. 


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