Zoho launches social networking tool, password manager and iPhone app for Indian market

After unveiling a business card scanning app for iPhone in May this year, Zoho Corporation, an enterprise tech firm founded in India with its headquarters in California, has launched three more products for businesses in the Indian market. These three products are Zoho Pulse, an online social networking tool; Zoho Vault, an online password manager; and Zoho Leads, a badge scanning iPhone app.
Zoho Pulse enables a company to establish its own private social network for the entire organisation as well as for selected departments and users. The online tool works like other social networks where a user can follow people and view their activities; they can see the posts made on company's wall, create groups and have group discussions. Zoho Pulse also has a user directory to search people; search can be filtered on the basis of user name, department, location, etc. In terms of pricing, the tool is available for free as well as for Rs 5 per user per month, depending on the edition (there are packages depending on usage). Zoho Pulse is also available as an app on iPhone as well as on Android devices.
Zoho Vault enables businesses/teams to establish a central repository where they can store and share their passwords, online credentials, financial records and other sensitive information. Users can also directly connect to their websites and applications without viewing the password through the Zoho Vault interface. It is available for free and also has an edition priced at Rs 1 per user per month; it also has an app for iPhone users.

Zoho Leads for iPhone users enables users to scan attendee badges at events and connect to Zoho CRM (customer relationship management) system directly.
According to a company statement, events increasingly use QR codes to encapsulate attendee information. The Zoho Leads app captures QR codes' info and automatically save the information in Zoho CRM. If QR scanning fails, a user can take a photo of the badge and the app will convert the image to text which is again saved automatically in Zoho CRM. The app can also be used for scanning business cards.
Zoho offers a comprehensive suite of online business, productivity and collaboration apps for running business processes and managing information – both at office and outside it. The company has launched more than 25 online apps, including CRM, mail, office suite, invoicing and Web conferencing apps, to name a few. With offices in Chennai, California, Austin, Yokohama and Beijing, Zoho serves more than 6 million customers worldwide.

In February this year, Zoho's division ManageEngine launched a voice-enabled iPhone app called ServiceDesk Plus, which will help desk executives manage tickets from anywhere, any time.
(Edited by Joby Puthuparampil Johnson)