CBSE to use advanced data analytics to promote fairness at exam centres

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has stated that alongside the existing infrastructure of using in-person invigilation as well as closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, it will also deploy advanced data analytics to curtail cases of cheating and related unfair practices at examination centres.
The education board has further stated that a pilot of the project has already been conducted, based on which algorithms are being developed for this initiative.
Antriksh Johri, director (IT) for CBSE, said about the development, “Based on the analysis results and the algorithms developed, CBSE has decided that such analysis will be extended to other administered examinations.

The board will use advanced data analytics to detect, respond and therefore, in the long-run, prevent any irregularities in academic testing across all major CBSE administered exams in the country.”
“Based on the analysis results and the algorithms developed, CBSE has decided that such analysis will be extended to other administered examinations. The board will use advanced data analytics to detect, respond and therefore, in the long run, prevent any irregularities in academic testing across all major CBSE administered exams in the country.”
“Post this, appropriate measures can be taken by CBSE to strengthen the reliability of the examinations and to deter any such malpractices in the future. This will be used to strengthen the reliability of the National Achievement Survey, Central Teachers Eligibility Test and board examinations conducted by CBSE,” Johri added.

The move will seemingly help the board identify examination centres where procedures may have reported malpractices in the past. Using analytics, the board will hope to take on resolving the issues – which its algorithms will supposedly help in identifying.
A pilot project for the initiative was done at the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in January 2021. The Central Square Foundation and Playpower Labs have worked on developing algorithms to identify the problem points.