How email platforms can help transform business in 2022

Since the advent of the internet, people have been investing their time managing email suites to pursue formal interactions with clients, colleagues, and customers. This growing demand has led to new innovations in the IT industry. Many now look forward to using email platforms that stand out and increase organisational efficiency and productivity.
According to data from Statista, more than 319 billion emails were sent and received in 2021 alone. As such, there’s immense scope in this market for companies to leverage their competitive edge and provide new offerings to users.
The question that arises is how email platforms can help transform businesses, and help companies on their growth journey. Here are a few ways on how this can be achieved.

Sending and receiving speedier emails
Email platforms have started focusing on amplifying the speed at which emails are exchanged online. They have strong competition from instant messaging apps that make it easier to communicate faster. Real-time back and forth conversations have given email platforms a major scare but they are coping well with it. Email platforms are making sure they run smoothly in order to gain user dependency.
There are user templates that can be used and reused whenever needed to save time and improve work productivity. Users can quickly respond to recurring messages without errors due to in-built error-solving mechanisms. This leads to solid reliance on email platforms by users.

Optimising on sending automated responders
Email platforms can allow users to send automated reminders, for example, when on vacation. This eases out the process of sending individual emails as notices to inform contacts about their unavailability.
Not only that, businesses can creatively use such platforms to engage with customers on a regular basis for optimising their efficiency. By dripping campaigns in uncommon ways, companies can earn revenue, understand user behaviour and build a positive reputation.

Optimising on scheduled send
Email platforms now allow you to time emails according to your schedule or when they are most likely to be read. Many email platforms are adopting this trend.
This option is extremely convenient when users find themselves working out of office hours and do not want to forget to send the email the next day. There’s solace in knowing that the recipient of the email would not get to know the actual time when the schedule had been made.

Therefore, it can be said that the future of business email looks extremely fruitful – any speculations regarding the extinction of emails in light of the growing expansion of instant messaging apps are unsubstantiated. Emails are a great way to communicate efficiently and if used creatively, can help businesses on their growth journey. There’s so much more to traditional emails than sending and receiving information such as integrated calendars, follow-up reminders, and customised signatures.

Bhavin Turakhia
Bhavin Turakhia is the founder and chief executive officer of of Nova.