
Indian firms focus on upskilling amid AI advancements: Report

Indian firms focus on upskilling amid AI advancements: Report
Photo Credit: Pixabay

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make rapid advancements, companies in India are gearing up to prioritize the upskilling of their workforce, according to LinkedIn's "Workplace Learning Report,"  published on Tuesday. The report said that 94% of Indian companies are set to boost employee skills this year due to advancing AI initiatives. 

The report identifies key priorities for learning and development (L&D) professionals in India, highlighting the top three areas, that are, upskilling employees, aligning learning programs with business goals, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Soft skills, particularly communication, take center stage, with 91% of L&D professionals viewing human skills as increasingly competitive in the economy. 

Companies in India are actively investing in creating a culture of continuous learning, focusing on online training programs (53%) and providing hands-on experience with Gen AI tools (54%). The increased focus on learning is expected to lead to greater investments in learning opportunities, as 96% of L&D professionals believe they can demonstrate business value by helping employees acquire skills for different internal roles. 


Ruchee Anand, Senior Director - Talent, Learning and Engagement Solutions, LinkedIn India, said, “Last year, we saw a 21x surge in job postings mentioning ChatGPT or GPT on LinkedIn, reflecting the growing demand for tech skills as businesses explored AI. This year, we are seeing a pronounced shift towards skills - both technical and soft skills - to thrive in the era of AI. With skills for jobs globally expected to change by 68% by 2030, we are seeing a greater emphasis on learning both technical and soft skills with a majority of employers surveyed agreeing that this balance will be critical for organisations to succeed in the age of AI.” 

The report also highlights the efforts of hiring managers in India to provide career progression opportunities (48%) and build skills for the future of work (38%) to retain top talent. Attracting talent is seen as dependent on highlighting career advancement opportunities (59%) and increasing internal mobility (51%). 

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